Pranay Maloo
Sep 14, 20216 min read
Her, me and romancing Paris
We could feel the chilling winds against our skin as we bimbled on the streets of Paris. I have always loved the winters since childhood....
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Pranay Maloo
Jun 6, 20202 min read
New York diary - A photo journal
A photo journal to our time in the New York. Our last normal vacation before outbreak of Corona Virus
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Pranay Maloo
Apr 11, 20204 min read
Why travelling is much more than just a bucket list
Travelling and bucket list go hand in hand these days but it's not a match made in heaven and bucket list misses the soul of travel
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Pranay Maloo
Dec 29, 20195 min read
Zurich’s Magic at New Year’s Eve
New Year's Eve celebration holds a different meaning when you are in Zurich - Live music, plenty to eat and drink, and amazing fireworks.
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Pranay Maloo
Sep 10, 20196 min read
How I found my way to veg food in Europe
Different cities, different places, different taste but every time it was a delicious vegetarian meal.
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Pranay Maloo
Sep 10, 20198 min read
Road to unearthly destinations : An encounter with Iceland
From the northern lights to the glacier lagoon, Iceland was truly an unearthly destination for us.
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Pranay Maloo
Sep 10, 20194 min read
Lisbon affair
Lisbon came as a surprise to me as I was not expecting a city to blend the modern commercial side and artistic side so beautifully.
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Pranay Maloo
Sep 10, 20193 min read
Madrid Diary
My train ride to Madrid was relaxing. I was eagerly waiting to see what it had in store for me to explore over the next couple of days
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Pranay Maloo
May 19, 20193 min read
A day in the bold and beautiful Valencia
Valencia came in when my travel excitement was at peek and I was getting to know Spain better. At the end I fell in love with it completely
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Pranay Maloo
May 19, 20194 min read
Colors of Barcelona
Continuing my solo backpack journey in Europe I after my time in Amsterdam, I traveled next to the colorful city of Barcelona
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Pranay Maloo
May 19, 20195 min read
A bit of cheese and a bit of Amsterdam
Proving to be an amazing start of my solo backpack trip to Europe, Amsterdam was my first contact with Europe
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Pranay Maloo
May 18, 20195 min read
Magnificent Ruins of Hampi
Discover the ruins of Vijayanagar Empire in this bouldered town of Hampi in Karnataka, India
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